Ecoprint with Gold Prada
Fabric Type: Ecoprint
Pattern Name: Tropical Ecoprint
Pattern Meaning: Depicts tropical leaves and flowers around such as ferns, lanang leaves, kenikir flowers, jasmine and so on, which look attractive with the natural brown color of tall wood.
Material Type: Katun
Size: 200x115 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Ecoprint dengan teknik medium dan kukus (Scouring, mordanting, ecoprint, kukus, oksidasi, fixasi)
MSME Profile
Swarnabhumi Eco-fashion which is one of the production lines of CV Adikarya that empowers many farming families, especially farmer mothers, by utilizing local resources around them, by making environmentally friendly fabric-processed art creations. The products produced are in the form of ecoprint creations and hand-written batik in natural colors, with a collection of various ready-to-wear fabrics, in the form of outerwear, shirts, pashmina, bags, etc.