
Ecoprint Tropical Tegeran

Rp 450,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Ecoprint
Pattern Name: Ecoprint Tropical Tegeran
Pattern Meaning: Mengambarkan daun-daun dan bunga tropis yang ada di lingkungan sekitar pada awal musim kemarau, dengan motif daun – daunan seperti betadin, suren, jarak wulung, bunga kenikir, melati belanda dan lain sebagainya, yang tampil dengan warna kuning cerah dari kayu tegeran
Material Type: Katun *
Size: 2 x 1.15 M
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Kombinasi

Swarnabhumi Kediri

MSME Profile

Swarnabhumi Eco-fashion which is one of the production lines of CV Adikarya that empowers many farming families, especially farmer mothers, by utilizing local resources around them, by making environmentally friendly fabric-processed art creations. The products produced are in the form of ecoprint creations and hand-written batik in natural colors, with a collection of various ready-to-wear fabrics, in the form of outerwear, shirts, pashmina, bags, etc.