Indonesian Snacks

Original Popped Sorgum

Rp 19,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 75gr
Material Content: Sorghum
Variant / Flavor: Original

Popped sorghum is a healthy snack made from sorghum seeds. It is suitable for those who like snacking but still healthy. And it is also suitable as a substitute for popcorn.

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Tambiyaku Kalimantan Selatan

MSME Profile

Tambiyaku is a South Kalimantan MSME engaged in agriculture and its processing. Tambiyaku produces a variety of healthy products made from Sorghum, namely Sorghum Rice, Sorghum Flour, Sorghum Sugar, Sorghum Soy Sauce, Sorghum Cookies Original and Almond Chocolate variants, as well as Popped Original and Gochujjang variants. Tambiyaku products maximize the use of land and sorghum plants (zero waste) because all parts of the sorghum plant can be processed into various kinds of products that do not cause waste, even the leaves and stem waste are intended for fattening superior livestock. Tambiyaku products are present in the community to address various kinds of problems, especially in the health sector diabetes, obesity, stunting, etc., Tambiyaku already has 213 partners at outlets spread throughout Indonesia such as South Kalimantan, Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Medan, and various cities in other provinces.