
Tumpal Embroidery Silk Woven

Rp 700,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Tenun
Pattern Name: Rereng Miring
Pattern Meaning: Tumpal Embroidery Silk Weaving with Oblique Reng Motifs
Material Type: Sutra
Size: Panjang 250 cm
Type of Thread: Benang Sutra
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Gedogan

MSME Profile

Sutera Sabilulungan was founded in 1997 pioneered by parents UU Nasrullah. At that time, a group of silkworm farmers was established by planting 1,000 hectares of mulberry and producing cocoons of around 3 tons/month. This business also collaborated with PT Indo Jado Sukabumi until 2003. Then in 2005, the business owner continued the struggle so that in 2017 the Kendra Sutera Sabilulungan began to be included by the service in bazaars and national exhibitions. Kendra Sutera Sabilulungan's vision is to progress and develop together, prosper, and be competitive in the field of business metering. It is also in line with its mission, which is to create human resources, empower the community, and actualize the regional economy through the development of the natural silk business.