Indonesian Snacks

Sambal Teri Kacang

Rp 45,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 150 gr
Material Content: Ikan teri,cabai,bawang,tomat,gula,garam,minyak sayur dan rempah rempah
Variant / Flavor: Rasa Pedas

Medan anchovies are very well known throughout Indonesia, even the world. Even though they are small in size, anchovies have Good nutritional content for the body

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Teri Bajak Sumatra Utara

MSME Profile

The history of the founding of Teri Bajak in 2013 Teri Baja provides processed fried Medan anchovies, chili sauce and also raw anchovies, Teri Baja brings traditional food into modern packaging that is practical, easy to carry and store and lasts up to one month. Teri sambal is a variation of anchovies with a spicy and savory taste.