
Winter Vest

Rp 1,800,000

Product Description :

Dimension: L, XL, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L
Material Type: tenun

Tak hanya melestarikan, Inin juga memperkaya warisan budaya bangsa ini
lewat perpaduan tenun, batik, dan perada. Bekerja sama dengan para penenun
di berbagai daerah Indonesia, ia menciptakan kain tenun eksklusif yang hanya
diproduksi oleh Kilisuci. Model dan motif baru pun ia rancang hingga karyanya
memenuhi selera berbagai generasi dari banyak negara. Perada juga ditorehkan
dengan cara khusus sehingga terus menempel rapi

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The Kilisuci Batik Di Yogyakarta

MSME Profile

The Kilisuci provides a variety of traditional clothes (especially Javanese) which have been redesigned so that these traditional clothes remain trendy and are not outdated. We also provide a variety of other clothing products that have a unique design from The Kilisuci, where the products we make cannot be found anywhere else. The Kili Suci is a reflection of the perfection of the integration of intelligence, beauty, virtue, which is owned by the crown princess of the Kahuripan-Kediri kingdom, which results in the best love and dedication to the country, the motherland.