Kerupuk Jamur Tiram
Net Weight: 185 gr
Material Content: Jamur Tiram, Tepung Tapioka, Bawang Putih, Kencur, Ketumbar, Gula, Garam
Variant / Flavor: Original
The healthy crackers made from fresh oyster mushroom with no addition of MSG and chemical preservatives. Safe to be consumed by people of all ages and is suitable to be eaten as a side dish or a snack.
Keep it at room temperature, distance the bottle from direct sunlight and sharp-scented materials. This product can last for ±14 months.
MSME Profile
Pelezat makanan nabati yang dibuat dari ekstrak jamur tiram dan shitake yang dilengkapi bumbu-bumbu rempah yang berkualitas baik tanpa penambahan MSG dan pengawet.