Kecap Sari Jamur Tiram
Net Weight: 140 ml
Material Content: Sari Jamur Tiram, Gula Merah, Wijen, Karamel Gula, Bumbu Rempah
Variant / Flavor: Manis
Specialized plant-based food seasoning made from oyster and shitake mushrooms extracts, added with high quality natural spices, without any MSG or chemical preservatives. This makes Tewil’s Mushroom Broth able to be both tasty and healthy.
Keep it at room temperature, distance the bottle from direct sunlight and sharp-scented materials. This product can last for ±14 months.
MSME Profile
Pelezat makanan nabati yang dibuat dari ekstrak jamur tiram dan shitake yang dilengkapi bumbu-bumbu rempah yang berkualitas baik tanpa penambahan MSG dan pengawet.