Indonesian Snacks


Rp 150,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100 gr
Material Content: Extrak Nira - Bunga Rosella Berkualitas
Variant / Flavor: ROSELLA

Lontar syrup with rosella flavor by Legend Tren is a syrup drink that combines the sweetness of lontar syrup with the aroma and fresh taste of rosella flowers. This syrup is the result of creativity from Legend Tren, a beverage company known for its innovation in creating various unique and interesting flavors.

Lontar syrup, also known as palm syrup or palm sugar syrup, is a syrup produced from the sap of the palm tree. The palm tree is a plant that grows in the tropics, especially in Southeast Asia, and has various benefits, including as a source of natural sugar. Lontar syrup has a distinctive sweet taste with a hint of caramel.

In Rosella Lontar Syrup by Legend Tren, the aroma and fresh taste of rosella flowers are added to give it a new and exciting touch. Rosella flowers have a fresh sour taste with a distinctive floral touch. The combination of the sweetness of lontar syrup and the acidity and aroma of rosella flowers creates a refreshing and delicious combination.

Rosella by Legend Tren Lontar Syrup can be enjoyed in various ways. You can mix it with cold water or soda to make a delicious refreshing drink. You can also use this syrup as an addition to other drinks like tea, mocktails or cocktails to give a unique touch to the taste.

By presenting rosella-flavored Lontar Syrup, Legend Tren provides an interesting and appetizing choice of drinks. This syrup is suitable to be enjoyed on various occasions, whether relaxing at home, parties, or other special events.

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UD. Legend Tren Jawa Timur

MSME Profile

Legend Tren adalah perusahaan nasional yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan pohon lontar fokus utama saat ini mengolah air nira lontar/siwalan pertama di indonesia dan dunia yang telah memiliki izin resmi BPOM, Halal, ISO 9001, Serta mengedepankan Minuman segar, alami dan menyehatkan. Kami memiliki visi Menjadi perusahaan berskala Internasional dengan mengangkat budaya nasional menjadi komoditas industri yang bisa bersaing di dunia internasional, serta memiliki komitmen untuk memberikan kemanfaatan keseluruh dunia dan mensejahterakan rakyat Indonesia dari hasil kekayaan alamnya