
Kalung Kemiri Enggang Binian

Rp 150,000

Product Description :

Dimension: Panjang Ø 13-26 cm & Tebal 2 mm
Material Type: Liontin luar : Kemiri; Liontin Dalam : Keramik; Tali : Kulit Sintetis

Terbuat dari cangkang Kemiri asli dari pegunungan Meratus Kalimantan Selatan, Meratus adalah penghasil kemiri dan salah satu jalur rempah di Indonesia, tekstur dan ketebalan cangkang kemiri Meratus berbeda dengan kemiri pada umumnya. Masyarakat pegunungan Meratus adalah suku Dayak atau biasa disebut Dayak Meratus

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MSME Profile

Anakkayu has now changed its name to ULEEN, which is a productive economic enterprise owned by Irfani Adi Siswanto under the auspices of PT. Anakkayu Build the Archipelago. Engaged in the processing of wood industrial waste. We started this business starting in 2018 in Banjarbaru until now. From the wood waste, we magic it into a creative product that has a high selling price that can compete in the market. Industrial wood waste includes wooden pallets that are no longer used by large companies or industries. For ironwood products, we use ironwood stumps that are no longer used.