
Tenun Ikat / Endek Bali

Rp 400,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Tenun
Pattern Name: Motif Wajik
Pattern Meaning: tenun ikat motif wajik memiliki makna keseimbangan antara kebaikan dan keburukan. setiap pola motif saling bertemu dan membentuk belah ketupat
Material Type: Katun
Size: Panjang 2,25 meter x Lebar 1,05 meter
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: ATBM

MSME Profile

Wisnu Murti Weaving Ikat Bali is a small and medium business engaged in the production of woven Balinese/endek woven fabrics, established in 1999. I Nyoman Ludra and Ni Nyoman Konci who were formerly workers in an Ikat woven company started the Ikat Wisnu Murti Weaving. Bali which is quite famous in Gianyar Regency. The strong desire to create jobs in the Keramas Village environment prompted I Nyoman Ludra to open a small business engaged in Balinese woven fabrics, because previously employment in Keramas Village was dominated by businesses in agriculture, wood carving and brick printing.