Kain Batik Tulis Motif Kuntul Latar Kembang Pacar

Rp 5,000,000,-

Description Product

Fabric Size: 2.7 x 1.15 metres

Boketan motif comes from the word ‘bouquet’ which means flower arrangement in French. Boketan motif batik is a motif by taking the name of plants or flowers as ornaments arranged lengthwise across the width of the fabric. The boketan motif batik exudes an aura of happiness and beauty. The boketan motif is also believed to be a symbol of fertility and prosperity. With the hope that the boketan motif can bring an aura of cheerfulness to the wearer. The combination with the kawung motif batik background has a meaning of purity, perfection and purity. The kawung motif arranged geometrically is interpreted as a symbol of the occurrence of human life, having the hope that humans will not forget their origins.