Sekomandi Motif Pori Dappu

Rp 1,200,000,-

Description Product

Size: 160 cm X 50 cm

Sekomandi fabric is one of the oldest fabrics in the world inherited from the ancestors of Kalumpang Village, West Sulawesi Province. The word ‘Seko’ means ‘Kinship’ and the word ‘Mandi’ means ‘Tight’ so that Sekomandi Fabric has an interpretation of tightly woven kinship in Mandarese. Using natural dyes from wood, chillies, turmeric, and other natural dye sources, Kain Sekomandi is environmentally friendly.  In its development, Sekomandi fabric has several motifs, including the Sekomandi Pori Dappu motif. Pori Dappu in Mandarese is a religious message so that the Pori Dappu Motif Sekomandi Cloth has a religious message that the teachings of the gods' beliefs must be properly maintained, so that humans are blessed, and away from diseases and other calamities. Maintaining religion (aluk) as a religiously observant person, the message of our predecessors. Wearing Kain Sekomandi Pori Dappu motif means ‘Ibawa mamma’ isalukku metindo’ which means ’Embracing religion (which in this case is represented by Kain Sekomandi Pori Dappu motif) will bring happiness, security, comfort, and tranquillity in life.