Songket – Motif Pinawetengan (Karema, Lumimut, Toar)

Rp 3,800,000,-

Description Product

Size: 225 cm x 100 cm

Pinawetengan cloth is a traditional cloth with a distinctive Minahasa pattern. Pinawetengan has a historical value that describes the development and division of 9 Minahasa sub-ethnicities that are still used today. The Pinawetengan cloth pattern is taken from the lines of the image on the stone located at the Watu Pinawetengan cultural site which was discovered in 1888. The Pinawetengan motif is a depiction of 3 gods (Goddess Karema, Goddess Lumimut, and God Toar) on the lines of the Pinawetengan Stone. These gods are believed to be the ancestors of the Minahasa Tribe.