The Icon of Papua

Rp 1,500,000,-

Description Product

Size: 2.5 m x 1.15 m

This hand-drawn batik depicts the beauty of the Bird of Paradise and the uniqueness of the Cassowary which is the icon of the West Papua Region. The Cassowary depicted on the West Papua Regional Emblem has a pair of strong legs that reflect a strong sense of unity among its people. In addition, carvings of Papua and tifa, a house with a thousand legs, tifa, Papua shield and carvings of "one stove, three stones" also decorate this hand-drawn batik. One stove, three stones have a meaning, where the stove is a symbol of life, and three stones are a symbol of you, me and him. This reflects the tolerance of the people both in customs, religion and government in the Fak-fak community. In addition, this batik has the meaning that the West Papua Region is rich in culture and customs and is home to various fauna in it.