
Selendang Sulaman Suji Caia Merah

Rp 3.800.000

Deskripsi Produk :

Jenis Kain: Sulaman
Nama Motif: Suji Caia
Makna Motif: The embroidery technique that gradates colors to create a three-dimensional effect is known as "sulaman gradasi" or "gradated embroidery." This hand embroidery technique involves skillfully blending different shades of threads to achieve a gradual transition of colors, giving the artwork a sense of depth and dimension. The process of creating gradated embroidery is meticulous and time-consuming. The skilled artisans carefully combine and blend the colors of threads as they work on the piece. The embroidery process can take approximately three months or more, depending on the complexity and size of the artwork. It's worth noting that the entire production process, including design, embroidery, and lacework, is carried out manually or "handmade." This emphasizes the craftsmanship and dedication involved in creating each piece of artwork, making it unique and highly valued for its artistic quality and attention to detail. The handmade aspect ensures that each item is crafted with precision and care, contributing to its overall beauty and value.
Jenis Bahan: Maxmara
Ukuran: 200 cm x 57 cm
Jenis Pewarnaan: Pewarna Sintetis
Teknik Pembuatan Kain: Handmade

Chacha Sulaman Sumatera Barat

Profil UMKM

Chacha Sulaman berdiri pada tahun 2015 yang diawali dengan membantu pemasaran produk pengrajin lokal melalui media sosial. Selanjutnya mulai mengembangkan produk dengan terus menjaga keasrian dan keaslian kerajinan tangan itu sendiri. Sehingga sulaman tangan khas kotogadang tetap diminati dan terjaga kebudayaannya meski bersaing dengan teknologi mesin yang sekarang sudah banyak berkembang. Sulaman sendiri banyak membantu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat karena dapat dikerjakan oleh Ibu-Ibu