Camilan Nusantara

Forest Honey

Rp 300.000

Deskripsi Produk :

Berat Bersih: 300 gr
Kandungan Bahan: Madu
Varian / Rasa: Manis Alami

Mozass Healthy Laboratory Build since 2018 from Jakarta, Mozass Healthy Laboratory are here and we support the sustainable development goals with our organic product to help a healthy lifestyle and give a positive impact on the environment and society. Our product is a Local product from an Indonesian farmer in each city. 


At the moment we serve Organic Arabica Coffee from Indonesia: Aceh, Sumatera Sidikalang, Toraja, Flores, Bali, lampung, Papua and Yogyakarta for our best Green Coffee. Green coffee with the purpose detoxifying our body that can reduce toxic from our body that have been proven efficiency in a healthy way. We want to introduce our Natural Forest Honey from the wild bees  and we got two types of Forest honey the first from bee hive and the black honey from mahogany trees which is from both of it had a lot of benefit especially for the black honey, which is three times more than the regular wild honey. Some of the benefit for the Honey are for our immune, stamina, neutralized stomach problem, regain from anemia problem and a potassium, calcium, nutrition, vitamin and minerals that good for our health.


In our mission and vision are to educate all people whole around the world to consume organic and natural product for healthy better life in the future, we believe our consumer will support and looking to our product. We also have the goal to help Indonesian farmers in terms of making organic certification to farmers in areas that have not yet received the certificate.


Profil UMKM

Berdiri tahun 2018 & berdomisili diJakarta,Mozass Healthy Laboratory hadir mendukung The Sustainable Development Goals dengan menghadirkan produk organik yang menunjang gaya hidup sehat masyarakat sekaligus memberikan dampak positif bagi lingkungan hidup&social.Walaupun baru berdiri 3 tahun,kami berkomitmen memberikan kualitas berstandar global dengan pelayanan prima.