
Outer Strawberry

Rp 2,500,000

Product Description :

Size: XL
Material Type: Cotton Rubia
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis

lndri Tulistiwa Sumatra Barat

MSME Profile

"Sulaman & Bordir Indri Tulistiwa" is a fashion business specializing in kebaya and embroidered outerwear. Founded in 2015 with Rp.200,000. Started solo, now expanded to a team of 10 permanent and 5 temporary members. Motivated by observing embroiderers selling underpriced products due to buyer pressure. Indri Tulistiwa creates latest design products with special pricing. Participated in national and ASEAN events. Marketed in Indonesia, Malaysia, Bahrain, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, and South Korea. Offers elegant, cultural preservation, and community empowerment.